Svay Rieng Province: Bavet City Military Police patrolling at Chi Phu Market, saw a car drop a package of goods with a man riding an AXELO motorcycle without a license plate. The man was so frightened that he threw down his motorcycle and the goods and fled immediately.
The shocking incident happened at 1:30 pm on December 7, 2020 at Prasot 1 village, Kandeang Reay commune, Svay Teap district, Svay Rieng province.
According to the Bavet City Military Police, after the incident, the police found 9 large packages, suspected to be methamphetamine (wrapped up as Chinese tea) and seized an AXELO motorcycle.
Sources said that before the incident, the Bavet City Gendarmerie, led by Mr. Kham Nan, Bavet City Gendarmerie Local Commander, patrolled the Chi Phu market in Kork Lveang village, Prey Angkanh commune, Bavet city, Svay Rieng province. They saw the exchange of goods to a man riding an AXELO motorcycle without a license plate.
Sources said that after receiving the goods, the suspect rode the motorbike to Kampong Ror district, but the local force was suspicious and chased him to Prasot 1 village, Kandeang Reay commune, Svay Teap district, Svay Rieng province. He then discarded the goods, droped the moto nd ran away .
Currently, Bavet City Military Police officers are conducting a search to arrest the suspects, bring them in for questioning and build a case for legal action. NKD

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