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Archived News

Sweden To Close Cambodian Embassy In 2021


The Government decided today that the Embassy of Sweden in Phenom Penh (sic) will be closed by the end of 2021. Sweden has good relations with Cambodia. These will now continue in new ways.

The intention is to concurrently accredit the Ambassador in Bangkok to Cambodia, and the activities of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) will be transferred to the Embassy in Bangkok. The MFA will no longer have any staff stationed in Cambodia when the Embassy has been closed. Development cooperation will continue to be carried out by Sida.

These changes are part of the MFA’s continuous adaptation of its organisation abroad to external changes and new monitoring and service requirements. This is a constant process of change, and involves Sweden sometimes opening or closing embassies and consulates. SOURCE

*The current ambassador- Björn Häggmark- arrived in Phnom Penh in August. In June, the Swedish Embassy was tasked by its government to implement changes in Sweden’s development cooperation with Cambodia.

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