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RCAF Ranger ‘Raptor’ Hits Divider & House


Phnom Penh: A man drove a Ford Range car with RCAF license plate 01 .2.4761 into a concrete divider, broke a wheel and then hit the wall and door of a house, causing more damage. The incident occurred at 11:10 pm on November 19, 2020 along Street 27, Sangkat Toul Tum Poung 2, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh.

According to witnesses at the scene, they saw a Ford Ranger driven by a man, along Street 271 at high speed, and while arriving
at the scene, swerved from a motorbike passing by and hit the divider, breaking one of the wheels. The car then the car hit a wall and door of an apartment house, causing more damage, but nobody was injured.

Immediately after the incident, the police of Chamkar Mon district cooperated with the police of Meanchey district to check the actual situation and to coordinate between the owner of the house and the car to end the story. The two parties did not agree, and as the car caused damage to state property, the authorities decided to contact the traffic skills of Phnom Penh to take it away waiting to deal with the procedure. NKD

*Our resident Ford expert wrote in “It’s not a Raptor, but an XLT, the lower model…. the sticker is making a $40k car trying to look like a $73k car”

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