Kampong Speu: On November 13, 2020 at 15:30, Special Forces (A4) of the Department of Anti-Drug Crimes led by Major General Khueng Sarath, and the professional force of Kampong Speu Provincial Police cracked down on drug trafficking cases in Trapeang Leu village, Roka Thom commune, Chbar Morn city, Kampong Speu province.
As a result, one suspect named Bun Chandar, male, 36 years old, with an unspecified occupation, currently living in Trapeang Leu village, Roka commune Thom, Chbar Morn City, Kampong Speu Province was arrested with 1285.85 grams of methamphetamine (ICE). PPR

…why does CNE NEVER reports what punishment drug smugglers and dealers get? It would likely have a good deterrent effect especially on younger people, if they knew what to expect…
Why feel the NEED to write in CAPITALS when you are wrong? : https://cne.wtf/?s=sentenced
But, as a rule, most sentences don’t get reported, it is true. Can only speculate why?