Kandal province: On November 05, 2020 at 12:00, the Police Inspectorate of Koh Thom District, in cooperation with the Anti-Drug Bureau, launched an operation to crack down on two drug trafficking cases:
The first target was at Room D5 of the suspect HENDRI ALIHUSIN in Chrey Thom village, Sampov Poun commune, Koh Thom district, Kandal province.
The second target was at Room 618 of the suspect, Duong Taing Treang alias Teang (who escaped), located in Chrey Thom village, Sampov Poun commune, Koh Thom district, Kandal province.
According to the police, there were 3 suspects (1 female), but only 2 males were caught:
MUHAMMAD HENDRI ALIHUSIN, male, 33 years old, an Indonesian and Chrin Wang Sang, alias Noy, male, 20 years old, Vietnamese, working as a motorcycle repairman, currently residing in Chrey Thom village, Sampov Poun commune, Koh Thom district, Kandal province.
The third suspect is named Duong Taing Treang, alias Teang, female, 25 years old, Vietnamese, who police are now hunting.
After the operation, the police seized evidence including: One pack of dried marijuana weighing a total of 3.61 grams, MDMA with a total weight of 0.23 grams. Other tablets (9 packs, 23 tablets, 4 oranges, 5 light green pills, and 10 packs of 24 tablets (light green) thought to be MDMA drugs with a total weight. 7.75 g, 9 WY ‘yama’ pills, 1 pack of yellow gram powder (No. 27), several small packets of methamphetamine, ketamine with a total weight of 32.25 g. and 15 liquid ketamine vials (1 bottle equals 10ml × 15 bottles = 150ml).
Currently, the suspects and exhibits are being processed by the Anti-Drug Trafficking Office of Kandal Provincial Police to be sent to court for processing. MCPN