Page updated when more information arrives (these updates come from local news sources and submissions from readers-they are not official, unless otherwise stated):
UPDATE: 18:14 October 18: Siem Reap: The water level of Banteay Srei River rose by 2.2 meters, close to the emergency level in just 24 hours due to heavy rainfall in Phnom Kulen. Banteay Srei provincial governor Khim Finang told the media recently that the current water level in Banteay Srei is 5.5 meters.
UPDATE: 12:30 October 18: Even though the Kampong Speu Provincial Administration has already announced the suspension of heavy traffic on some sections of the road, the big truck companies still refuse to listen and continue to drive illegally. As a result, the road that is already facing difficult conditions is even more damaged.
Unable to allow this to continue, this morning, October 18, 2020, the police force of Kampong Speu Province stopped many heavy vehicles along National Road 41 near the intersection.
UPDATE: 07:20 October 18: Banteay Meanchey’s Thmar Puok District Referral Hospital was flooded on the night of October 17, 2020.
A team of about 100 doctors and 13 patients were evacuated from Thmar Puok Referral Hospital to Svay Chek District Referral Hospital.
UPDATE: 21:50 OCTOBER 17: Banteay Meanchey: On the night of October 17, 2020, water began to flood parts of Thmar Puok, Ochrov and Poipet districts. The water is coming from Thailand after rain. The Thai dam has not yet opened. Families are being evacuated.
UPDATE: 20:30 October 17: According to an announcement from the Battambang Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport, “In order to protect the safety of the people and to avoid possible accidents, the Battambang Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport would like to temporarily suspend all heavy vehicles on National Road No. 5, Provincial Road No. 1570 (splitting National Road No. 58 to Kamping Puoy Basin), Provincial Road No. 159 C (splitting National Road No. 58B to O Snguot) and Provincial Road No. 159B (Separation of Provincial Road No. 159) B to 1570) in Battambang province from the time of this announcement until the new notice to participate in maintaining roads, bridges and ensure safe traffic.
UPDATE: 18:50 October 17: Battambang put back on flood alert as heavy rains move across central Vietnam towards Northern Cambodia.
UPDATE: 18:30 October 17: National Road 5 for around 300 meters around km49 in Takol village, Pany commune, Kampong Tralach District, Kampong Chhnang Province (photo from afternoon).
UPDATE: Kampong Speu Provincial Authority on October 17, 2020, decided to temporarily suspend traffic on National Road 4, National Road 41 and Provincial Road 141 (from Prey Pdao to Provincial Road 130) for heavy goods vehicles. Traffic congestion reported.
UPDATE: 15:20 October 17: The flood situation in Preah Vihear province remained at a manageable level through the morning of October 17, although the Stung Sen water level in Preah Vihear province reached a state of emergency on the evening of October 16.
UPDATE: 14:20 October 17: Phnom Penh: The water level along the Stung Prek Tnaot is continuing to decrease further.
According to the Ministry of Water Resources’ Facebook page, the water level of Prek Tnaot River this morning compared to the maximum water level on October 14, 2020 has decreased as follows:
- At the construction of the sluice gate on January 7, decreased by 0.70 meters
- In the area from National Road 3 to Sak Sampov Bridge, decreased 0.80 meters
- In the area from Wat Sak Sampov to Stung Prek Chrey bridge, dropped between 0.90-1.10 meters
UPDATE: 14:15, October 17: Banteay Meanchey/Oddar Menchey Province: heavy rain on the morning of October 17, 2020 has flooded areas from Thmar Puok district, Banteay Meanchey province to some areas in Banteay Ampil district. More rainfall forecast for the area.
UPDATE: 12:30 October 17: Kampong Thom province:
1. Santuk district was affected by one commune: Kampong Thmor commune, a landslide occurred under a house, a 50-meter fence collapsed, and a school compound was flooded.
2. Prasat Balong district affected 2 communes: Sakram commune and Doung Lech commune, 3 roads with a length of 781 meters, 3 bridges with a length of 565 meters.
3. Kampong Svay district affected 3 communes: Kampong Kor commune, Sankor commune and Ny Pech commune, 5 roads, 520 meters long, flooded under 1 house, flooded 2 school premises.
4. Tang Kork district affected 3 communes, flooded 3 roads, 350 meters long, flooded 75 houses.
5. Baray district affected 1 commune flooded 1 road 60 meters long flooded 293.54 hectares of wet rice and dry rice.
UPDATE: 12:00 October 17: Not sure of exact provinces, but announcement on suspension of traffic of all types of heavy trucks on National Road No. 9, 62, 64, 95 and Provincial Road No. 2627.
UPDATE: 11:00 October 17: Traffic on National Road 4 and number 3 in and around Sihanoukville is back to normal for the moment after rains have eased.
UPDATE: 09:15 October 17: Parts of Poipet around villages south of Road 5, the railway station, market and border point reported as flooded. Authorities say water from rainfall, not Thailand.
UPDATE: 06:40 October 17: Heavy vehicles still suspended from National Road No. 4 (Kampong Speu Province) National Road No. 41 (from Toteung Road to Bor Seth District), Road No. 141 (from Prey Pdao Market to Street 130).
UPDATE: 18:00 October 16: The water level in the Vaiko River in Svay Rieng province has risen above the emergency level. Sangkat Pou Ta Hoa reported as affected.
UPDATE: 17:50 October 16: Flood situation worsening in Preah Vihear City and continues to Puthea Commune, Chey Sen District. Stung Sen continues to rise above the emergency level
UPDATE: 16:30 October 16: Kampong Thom Provincial Administration has decided to temporarily suspend the traffic of all types of heavy trucks on Provincial Road No. 265B, 2718, 2620, 264D, 26451 and National Road No. 50C from now until there is a re-notification in order to participate in the maintenance of roads, bridges and ensure the safety of people.
UPDATE: 16:00 October 16: Chumteav Mao Blvd. in Koki Village, Bit Trang Commune, Prey Nob District, Preah Sihanouk Province, has had landslides on the road caused by rainwater.
UPDATE: 16:00 October 16: 143.5 mm of rainfall caused flooding in some low-lying areas in Sihanoukville and at Prey Nob district,
UPDATE: 13:20 October 16: National Road 4 now clear of water near Chhbar Mon town (KM 41).
UPDATE: 12:40 October 16: Koh Romg in Doeum Thkov village (Prek Kandal point), roads washed away by rains.
UPDATE: 11:15 October 16: Floods continue to intensify along National Road 5 between Serey Sophorn, Mongkul Borey district to Ornhor, bordering Banteay Meanchey and Battambang provinces. National Road 5 still closed to HGVs. Extreme caution is being urged along routes in the area.
UPDATE: 10:50 October 16: As of October 15, 2020, 325 kilometers of roads across Cambodia were damaged by floods, equal to 263 sections. This was stated by Mr. Sun Chanthol, Senior Minister, Minister of Public Works and Transport.
On the occasion of inspecting the condition of roads threatened by floods along National Road 3, 2, 20, 41 and National Road 4 on the morning of October 16, 2020, Mr. Sun Chanthol confirmed that On October 15, 263 roads were flooded, covering a distance of 325 kilometers, which have been damaged by the floods.
UPDATE: 10:40 October 16: Kampong Speu Provincial Department of Public Works has issued a notification on the suspension of traffic activities on heavy vehicles crossing the road. National Road No. 4 (from Kampong Speu Province, km 32-107) and National Road No. 41 (from the point of width to Bor Seth District) and Street 141 (from Prey Pdao Market to Street 130).
UPDATE: 10:30 October 16 : The Sanker river level in Battambang city is receding slowly. More rain predicted upstream, so caution still advised.
UPDATE: 10:30 October 16: Water around Wat Sak Sampov near the 7 Makara Dam (Stung Prek Thnaot) is receding slowly. More rain is expected and efforts are underway to control the situation.
UPDATE: 10:00 October 16: Toul Toteung commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province is flooded. Water rising on National Road 4 in the area (outside Sihanoukville).
UPDATE: 21:00 October 15: Banteay Meanchey: Roads connecting Bat Trang commune to Rohat Teuk commune in Mongkul Borey district were flooded and many roads were washed away.
UPDATE: 17:00 October 15: National Road 3, the water situation at the 7 Makara Bridge, Sangkat Kraing Pong, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh is better, and traffic is back to normal.
UPDATE: 16:30 October 15: The Phnom Penh Municipal Authority has announced a temporary closure of traffic on National Road No. 4 from Ou Dem point to the front of Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone in Kambol due water flowing across the road.
UPDATE: 14:00 October 15: National Road 5 from Serei Sophorn to Mongkul Borei, nearly 10 kilometers flooded. Sandbags out, heavy vehicles still banned. Seems passable, but lots of traffic. Sandbags deployed along the route.
UPDATE: 11:15 October 15: Nearly 20 km of National Road No. 4 is flooded in 4 places, including In Ang Snoul district, Kandal province- 3 places and in Khan Kampoul and Khan Por Senchey, Phnom Penh, but traffic is still getting through.
Prey Roka village, Chok Chheu Neang commune, about 2 kilometers long, Ang Snoul Market, Ang Snoul Village, Popuek Commune to the point in front of QIMI factory in the village Tra Yeung and Trapeang villages, Khum Peuk village, about 2 km long. Thnal Toteung market, Thnal Toteung village, Damnak Ampil commune.
UPDATE: 10:40 October 15: A statement from Takeo Provincial Authority “temporarily suspended traffic on National Road 2 and National Road 3 in Takeo Province. National Road No. 2 from O Chambok roundabout to Kampong Dangkor bridge, the border of Kandal province and National Road No. 3 from Ang Ta Som to the border of Kandal province.”
UPDATE: 10:00 October 15: 217 and other local roads closed around Prek Chrey Market.
UPDATE: 9:20 October 15: Street 57B in Ampil Pram Deum Commune, Bavel District, Battambang Province closed after bridge collapse. This is the main road between Bavel and Sampov Loun district.
UPDATE 22:00 October 14: Street 217 is in Sangkat Spean Thmor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, closed after heavy flooding.
UPDATE 21:45 October 14: National Road No. 2 from Takeo provincial town to Phnom Penh, in Bati district, Trapeang Sap commune, between km 43 and km 37-38, in Kandeung commune, Bati district- doesn’t appear closed yet, but serious flooding and 24 hour surveillance is in place: avoid
UPDATE 21:00 October 14: Kandal Province:
At 7:30 pm on October 14, 2020, the Department of Public Works and Transport of Kandal Province issued a notification to close traffic of all kinds of heavy trucks on
National Road No. 2,
National Road No. 3,
National Road No. 4,
National Road No. 5,
National Road No. 20,
National Road No. 20A,
National Road No. 21,
National Road No. 21A
National Road No. 21B
ALL located in Kandal Province.
UPDATE 12.20: Kampong Speu: Police are facilitating traffic on National Road No. 4 between km 32-33 and 42-43 (near Chhbar Mon/Kampong Speu), which was flooded.
National Road 3: Remains closed outside Phnom Penh (exact KM uncertain)
National Road 4: Heavy traffic and flooding near airport, still open. Possible flooding further down in Kampong Speu/Preah Sihanouk stretches later.
National Road 5: Stretch in Pursat City from km 186 to km 193 has now opened again for all traffic after temporary suspension. Traffic jams expected, and more rainfall in Pursat, some road at risk of closing anytime with little notice.
Avoid unnecessary long distance travel, and if your journey is essential, please take extra precautions and stay safe!