Kampong Speu: The Governor of Kampong Speu Province, Mr. Vy Samnang, announced on October 14, 2020, that at 4 pm, the whole Chbar Morn City will be severely flooded along with part of Samrong Tong District .
Mr. Vy Samnang, through Facebook, announced and informed the people living in Lonol village, Prey Sleuk village, Kaheng village, Kab Touk village, Phnom Dey village, Thmei village, Kravien village, Prey Beng village, Taing Kroch village, Sampov village in Chbar Morn city and Samrong Tong district to move other materials and get to a safe place immediately. Those who are elderly or have small children are urged to find safe places immediately.
The post appears to be after the Roleang Chrey dam on the Stung Thnaot is preparing to open gates as water rises to critical levels.