Prey Veng: A man has been arrest on charges of unintentional murder. The homeowner connected up an electric fence to protect his chicken coop from thieves, but a man boke in and was killed by electric shock.
This incident happened at more than 10 pm on October 11, 2020 in Tong Neak village, Sdao Kong commune, Ba Phnom district, Prey Veng province.
The man who died was named as 25-year-old Yim Sam Ath. The owner of the house is Meas Touch, male, 56 years old, both live in Tong Neak village, Sdao Kong commune, Ba Phnom district, Prey Veng province.
Police found that Yim Sam Ath had a burn wound on his left palm caused by a deadly electric shock. Lieutenant Colonel Mom Sarom, police inspector of Ba Phnom district, said on the afternoon of October 12, 2020 that the authorities have arrested the owner of the house and will send him to court for legal action. “The decision is up to the court,” he said.
Prior to the incident, there were frequent cases of theft of chickens and other property in the area, according to the report. The owner of the house decided to set up the wiring around the chicken coop to protect his property. But unfortunately, the thief came to steal chickens and touched the wire, killing him instantly. KPSBN