Pursat Province: On Sunday September 27, 2020 there was a fatal stabbing at Chamkar Khlum in O Thkov village, Sangkat Roleap, Pursat city.
The suspect was Vat Saruon, a 70-year-old Cambodian man currently living in the village, and the deceased was his wife Saing Hon, 59 years old.
The husband used a sharp knife to stab his wife to death, thought to be over a fight for 5,000 riel to buy alcohol. The couple were both said to be heavy alcoholics who argued often.
On the day of the incident, the husband pulled out a sharp knife and stabbed his wife twice, causing her at the scene. Neighbors say that before the incident, they heard the couple arguing over 5000 riel which the husband wanted to buy more alcohol.
The man was taken by the police of Pursat City Police Inspectorate to continue the legal procedures. AREY