Kampong Speu: Citizens found the body of a man dumped at the mouth of Rong Reang waterfall (near Pich Nil) along National Road 4 between km 104 and 105 in Village 6, Treng Trayeung Commune, Phnom District Sruoch, Kampong Speu province, on September 23, 2020.
According to witness Van Savoeun, a 34-year-old farmer living in Village 6, Treng Trayeung Commune, Phnom Sruoch District, he was on his motorcycle when he saw a white Toyota Highlander but did not remember the license plate. A Chinese man driving stopped, and from the back of a car pulled out a large (EDIT) suitcase. The suitcase was thrown out and the car drove west and disappeared.
The witness said he went to the suitcase and saw a black bag with human feet sticking out. He immediately went to the nearby villagers and reported to local authorities.
Officials and doctors from Kampong Speu province examined the body of an unidentified man, aged around 40, most likely a Chinese national with short hair and a wearing a long sleeve shirt and gray pants,. On the body, there were scars on the head from behind, cracks and bruises under the chin on both sides.
Authorities concluded that this was a premeditated murder and the body was deposited at Wat Teuk Thla and the case handed over to the police.

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