Stung Treng: Due to jealousy, a woman stabbed her husband to death with a knife, after he secretly brought another girl home with him at 3:10 pm September 21, 2020 at Veal Rumpere point in Karotot village, Kamphoun commune, Sesan district, Stung Treng province.
The suspect is Huot Tom Lida, a woman in her 30’s, living in Trapeang Pring Village, Sangkat, Krong, Stung Treng Province.
The victim was her husband, Mol Chan, male, about 30 years old.
According to sources, the husband fell in love with another woman in Kratie province and brought her to the village. When his wife found out, the couple argued violently and then the man was stabbed to death.
After the incident, the police arrived at the scene and performed an autopsy on the body, confirming that the victim was stabbed three times by his wife, and died on the way to the provincial hospital.
At present, the body has been handed over to the husband’s parents for a traditional ceremony, while the wife has been brought in for legal proceedings. POST NEWS