JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency ( BP2MI ) canceled the sending of six prospective illegal migrant workers to Cambodia.
The head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani, explained that the investigation started with a report from a prospective migrant worker through the BP2MI Crisis Center, on Tuesday 6th September. The prospective migrant worker admitted that he would be dispatched to Cambodia via Kualanamu International Airport, Medan, North Sumatra.
“The prospective migrant worker has reported to BP2MI and explained the illegal mode of departure,” said Benny in a written statement released on Friday 11th September.
After receiving the report, UPT BP2MI Medan coordinated with the local Police and a total of six prospective migrant workers were arrested, three from Asang Sidempuan, two from Singkawang, West Kalimantan, and one from Batuampar, West Kalimantan.
After completing the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) by the Bareskrim Task Force at the Police Headquarters, the six migrant workers were taken to BP2MI Jakarta. Based on the investigation, they admitted that they received an offer to work in Cambodia through their relatives. They were promised a salary of Rp. 4 million ($268) and a meal allowance of 250 US dollars per month. Benny said the six prospective migrant workers had also been questioned by the TIP Task Force, Bareskrim Polri.
Not only that, all documents along with tickets and a sum of US $ 60,000 have been submitted to investigators as evidence for further legal proceedings. ” God willing, one day ahead, according to the results of coordination with the Dirtipidum Bareskrim Polri, the six can be returned to their home areas,” said Benny. Kompas.com