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Archived News

Killer Lampposts Removed From Northbridge Street


Phnom Penh: Giant light poles which stood in the middle of Northbridge Street, which used to cause traffic accidents and ran from Phsar Dei Huy flyover, Russian Federation Blvd. to Chom Chao Road (formerly Veng Sreng Street) have been removed.

The changes came after the criticism from people on social media, Facebook, news websites and TV series about the problem of big light poles in the middle of North Bridge Road of Sen Sok and Meanchey districts.

Accidents with the posts caused a series of injuries and deaths after vehicles collided with them.

In the past, many Facebook users have criticized and posted pictures of light poles, some calling them ‘the pillar of death’. Officials from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport explained that these poles were originally on the edge, however, due to the expansion of the road, the light pole moved further into the road. KPT

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