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Man Arrested For Prey Veng Woman’s Murder


Prey Veng: On August 19, 2020, at Svay Tani village, Boeung Preah commune, Ba Phnom district, Prey Veng province, there was a case of rape and murder.

According to the Ung Pang, a 65-year-old female and the mother of the victim, on August 19, 2020 at 5:30 pm, Im Rath, a 20-year-old Cambodian male took the victim, Dim Phang, a 26-year-old Cambodian woman away on a moto and disappeared. On August 21, 2020, the victim’s body was found in a canal.

After searching, on August 22, 2020 at 7:50 AM, Im Rath, a 20-year-old man living in Prasre village, Boeung Preah commune, Ba Phnom district, Prey Veng province, was arrested at Srah Chak commune, Daun Penh district, Phnom Penh for questioning.

After interrogation, the suspect confessed had taken the victim and intended to rape her, but the victim refused him, so he beat and killed her to keep her from going to the police.

Currently, the Criminal Police Department has handed over the suspects to the Prey Veng Provincial Police for further questioning and processing. POST NEWS

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