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Mentally Ill Man Accused Of Sister’s Murder


Svay Rieng Province : A suspect with a mental illness was arrested by the police after violently cutting his sister with an ax, tying her up and dumping the body in a pool of water 4 meters near her house.

The arrest was made at 10:15 am on August 20, 2020 in Bek Chan village, Ang Prasre commune, Romeas Hek district, Svay Rieng province.

According to the district police, the arrested suspect was named Ngin So, 61 years old.

The victim, Som Samin, 67, a farmer, lived in the same house and was the suspect’s sister.

Police confirmed that before the incident at 4 am on August 20, 2020, the victim went out to catch chickens to sell at the market.

Sources said that at that time, the suspect, her younger brother who was mentally ill, used an ax to cut his sister to death and then tied her legs and dropped her into a pond 4 meters away from the house.

At 10 o’clock in the morning of the same day, villagers going to the local pagoda saw the body floating in the water, causing a surprise.

After committing the crime, the suspect took the ax and hid it until the police arrested him.

The suspect was questioned by the police, but appears to be mentally unstable/disabled. NKD

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