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Gas Station Fire In Kampot Province


Kampot: Preliminary reports say at 9 am on August 8, 2020, there was a fire in a gas station in Trapeang Thom village, Teuk Chhou district, Kampot province. Fire trucks were intervening at the scene.

The cause is not yet known. More details to follow.

UPDATE: The fire was put out by firefighters before it spread to other property. Nobody has been reported injured at this time. KPT

One thought on “Gas Station Fire In Kampot Province

  1. It was a pump fire at the local gas station on the Durian. It was swiftly dealt with, and within less than hour everything was back to normal (as far as I could tell, though i am not sure they were still open). Nothing, amazingly, caught fire other than the actual gas pump terminal.

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