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Vietnamese Dredger Worker Killed In Accident


Phnom Penh: Concrete lifted on a crane hit a Vietnamese man and killed him on August 6, 2020 on a DNT boat in the Mekong River near Koh Nora, Koh Nora village, Niroth commune, Chbar Ampov district, Phnom Penh Phnom Penh.

Authorities said that the deceased was NGUYEN HUU LUONG, 55, a Vietnamese sand dredger worker

Witness Le Van Thin, a 37-year-old male sand dredger worker said he took a cable to the other side of the concrete pole. Suddenly, the boat moved and the victim slipped and fell on the concrete pillars, causing his death.

According to an examination by experts, it was confirmed that the victim died of a brain injury. The body is being kept at Stung Meanchey pagoda.

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