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Chinese Kidnap Gang Arrested In Series Of Raids


Sihanoukville: According to the National Police General Commission, after receiving reports from residents that a group of about 7 Chinese (one female) had illegally detained two other Chinese ( 1 female-1 male) in a white RANGE ROVER with license plate Phnom Penh 2BR-3333, forces went to a villa in Village 5, Sangkat 4, Sihanoukville Province. The criminal force of the Sihanoukville Provincial Police arrested the seven Chinese suspects in connection with kidnap, torture, extortion and aggravated robbery.

According to the police, on July 30, 2020, at 10:30 PM, the villagers reported to the police that they saw a group of 7 Chinese people in the white RANGE ROVER using a knife to stab the victim. Immediately after receiving this information, the Criminal Police Planning Task Force, in cooperation with the Sihanoukville Police Inspectorate, arrived at the scene. One male victim was rescued, and a suspect jumped over the fence and escaped into the forest. 

Authorities confirmed that on July 31, 2020 at 17:00, the specialized force determined the location where the suspects had detained a female victim, in a bungalow in Otres 2, Village 6, Sangkat 4, City – In Sihanoukville. The force launched an operation to liberate the victims and arrested four suspects who were guarding the victims’ rooms.

Police further stated that after interrogating the victim and the suspect’s confession, the police continued to search and arrested more suspects on the 1st August 2020 at 14:30 in Village 1, Sangkat 3, Preah Sihanouk Province, another on August 2, 2020 at 9:00 in Village 2, Sangkat 3, and on August 2, 2020 at 18:40 at Otres 2, Village 6, Sangkat 4, Preah Sihanouk Province arrested a male suspect. A total of 7 suspects (1 female) were taken away.

According to the police, the two victims are: 1. XIANG YAYANGZI, female, 23 years old, Chinese, tourist, staying at Sihu Hotel and Casino, located in Village 1, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville Province. She lost $ 75,000: 50,000 Yuan (taken from a bank account), a bracelet, a necklace and a necklace, a watch, 3 rings, 1 pair of earrings, 1 bag and some accessories worth $ 4,200 (four thousand two hundred US dollars), a passport, a suitcase (some clothes and accessories).

The 7 suspects are: 1-Name: TAN ZHICHAO, 25 years old, 2. ZHOU HONGLI, 30 years old, 3. LIU DONG, 38 years old, 4. ZHUO MING, 23 years old, 5. LI XINGANG, 41 years old, 6. TANG LU, female, 31 years old, and 7. YANG JIAN YU.

At first, one of the suspects became friendly with the victim as a Chinese national and also met to eat. As a result, the victim trusted the suspect, then it was planned to kidnap the victim, extort money and rob her of money and valuables. The RANGE ROVER was found dumped on the street in front of Holiday Casino in Village 1, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville Province. POST NEWS

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