Kandal Province: A young man set fire to his house and lay down in the middle of the road, preventing the fire truck from entering to put out the fire. When a fire chief attempted to move him away, the suspect then hit him with a belt on the sub, causing head injuries. The suspect was detained by the authorities.
The above incident happened at 12:30 AM on July 12, 2020 in Ta Kdol village. Sangkat Takdol, Takhmao City, Kandal Province.
The victim was Phorn Lyko, a 27-year-old male from Takdol Sub-Post, residing in Prek Long Village, Takdol Commune, Krong Takhmao, Kandal province, who suffered 3 stitches on his head. The suspect is Thorn Sambath, male, around 27 years old.
According to eyewitnesses, before the incident, the suspect had already used drugs and was hit by his mother, who locked him up in the house, causing him to get angry. He also destroyed two motorcycles and set the house on fire. The fire destroyed all the materials in the house, causing panic in the whole village.
According to the same source, when the fire broke out, The Deputy Chief of Takdol intervened to open the road for fire trucks. Kandal Provincial Police saw a suspect lying in the middle of the road blocking fire trucks. The deputy summoned the suspect to rise, but he was hit by the suspect on the left side of his head, causing injuries and bleeding.
After the incident, the suspect and the exhibits were detained by the police and brought to the inspectorate for processing. KOHSANTEPHEAP