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Confimed: New-New Year Dates Planned For August


UPDATE: 17 to 21 August are now official public holidays.

Phnom Penh: The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia recently advised officials to set up a national holiday for the Khmer New Year, which can be held in late July or early August and last for 5 days.

As the problem of COVID-19 has swept across the world and with our country, the government decided to postpone the Khmer New Year’s holiday (due in April) to avoid the possible spread of the virus.

Now is the time to pay the promise to the people across the country, especially civil servants and factory workers for the holidays they missed.

Please note that the National Khmer New Year in 2020 is set on the calendar from April 13 to April 16, but due to preventive measures against COVID-19 , the head of the Royal Government has announced that it would be stopped in 2020. However, they can soon celebrate the New Year at their respective homes, by promising them a 5-day holiday. KBN

UPDATE: A government official on July 9 stressed that this was leaked information, but that 5 holiday days are planned, but no date has been confirmed as yet.

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