Attempted Bomber Injuries Himself And Son

Kratie: A hot-blooded son-in-law improvised a bomb to kill his wife’s parents’ at their home after a dispute. Thankfully he did not succeed, but unfortunately burned his young son. The would-be bomber also suffered self-inflicted wounds. The son-in-law was eventually arrested by police.

This incident occurred at 1 pm on July 6, 2020 in Chabru Village, Kbal Damrei Commune, Sambor District, Kratie Province, about 10 km from National Road 7.

Thet Thee, male, 42, farmer, resident of the village, took 3 improvised explosives and three bottles of gasoline for the purpose of destroying the house after was thrown out by his father-in-law and his mother-in-law in an argument. 

When his homemade bomb was detonated, it failed to properly explode and he was wounded in his right arm and burned his own son (*who appears to be about 4-5 years old).

Immediately after receiving the information, local police arrived at the scene, searched for and arrested the suspect at 3 pm the same day, after he ran into the fields.

The suspect and child were admitted to the referral hospital in Kratie province.


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