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Archived News

Lady Traffic Cop Stabs Male Traffic Cop In Groin


Kompong Thom: A female traffic police officer cut a man in a traffic police station and injured him.

The incident happened on June 30, 2020 at 10:00 am in Chhor Neang commune, Tang Kok district, Kampong Thom province.

The source said that the suspect, named Rith Srey Neang, 28 years old, is a traffic police officer in Stung Sen City, Kampong Thom Province.

According to the source, the suspect used a knife to stab a man named Khun Sokleak, a 33-year-old male traffic police officer from Prasat Sambor district, Kampong Thom province, causing injuries to his left thigh.

According to sources, the victim was taken to Baray Santor Referral Hospital. The suspect later escaped.

The source of the violence could be jealousy. SRP

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