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Archived News

Drunk Driver Threatens To Shoot Borey Residents


Phnom Penh: On the morning of 19 June 2020, citizens who live in the New World Borey complained to the District Police Inspectorate for intervention and research to help catch the a driver of a Toyota Tundra ‘Phnom Penh 2AZ-0054’.  

The car driver, reported to be a drunken military officer, was driving at high speeds around the street where children were playing.

At 9:40 pm on June 12, 2020, the driver pulled up in the car at 29th Street 17 in Borey and was driving drunk, when people ask to slow down and be careful, the man cursed them and threatened to shoot them. Other men, also thought to be military came out to threaten people.

Authorities said the search revealed that the driver of the TUNDRA wearing the license plate number 2AZ-0054 above was a senior military officer, but had not yet released his name. Law enforcement is already taking steps.

Villagers have appealed for intervention from the Phnom Penh police chief and the Royal Gendarmerie of the Royal Municipality. AREY

*A photo from the scene appears to show a live bullet on the ground.

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