Phnom Penh: Three suspects were arrested for kidnapping in Room 902, 9th floor, Hi-Hing Minging Hotel, Street 278, Boeng Keng Kang I.
At 21:20 on April 12, 2020, three suspects were arrested: ZHAO-JIANMING a Chinese male 35 years old, XIAO-ZEAN Chinese male, 32, and HU FENGWEN, 31, Chinese. A HILUX REVO, iPhone 6 phones, $ 326, 2 electric sticks (*tazers?), 2 handcuffs, 4 black cloths (for face covers) and other items were taken as evidence.
The victim, Lin Wei xian, a 31-year-old Chinese man, was staying at the Hyng Ming Ming Hotel.
According to reports, at 09.20, the victim was about to eat with his wife when 5 people, 3 Chinese and 2 Cambodian nationals entered the victim’s room and told him they were police and showed a police ID.
Then then victim was handcuffed and taken to a car. They arrived at a field where the suspect took the victim’s phone and called his wife, demanded 10 or 20 thousand dollars.
For some reason, the kidnappers got spooked, bundled the victim back into the car and crashed into a parked Lexus on Street 338. Police arrested 2 men at the scene. At about 21:00 on April 13, investigations led police to Hu FENGWEN, who was detained in front of Borey Phnom Penh, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh.
Currently, the three suspects, together with the exhibits, have been detained at Boeung Keng Kang Police Inspectorate to build a referral case. PPR