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Archived News

Article 22 And Lock-down Rumors


Editorial: We have seen and are receiving a lot of questions and some unconfirmed reports over the ‘State of Emergency’ draft law which was leaked yesterday.

Under Article 22 of the Cambodian constitution, implementation of such emergency powers requires the King to declare a state of emergency, after reaching consensus with the Prime Minister and Presidents of the Senate and National Assembly.

The laws have not yet passed, but are likely to include restrictions on travel, social gatherings and ‘lock-down’ measures witnessed in many countries since the outbreak of COVID-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China.

For the moment, we recommend that foreigners in Cambodia do not panic, but make sensible preparations for a possible shut down of services.

We will do our best to update the situation when it becomes clear and not disseminate half truths or idle gossip until the various ministries have given out official notifications, and advise readers to do the same.

When the rules are set, we urge all foreigners to closely stick to them, whatever they may be. Although they make good stories, expats and tourists locked up in these serious times would not be amusing to anyone.

Please say safe, stick to the rules and good luck.

Again, we will update on the situation, as and when more information is made available.


Chief Monkey #1. Editor-at-large.

PS Some of those April Fool’s posts on social media were quite inappropriate, foolish and possibly dangerous, and that’s coming from this immature simian.

4 thoughts on “Article 22 And Lock-down Rumors

  1. I think that curfew post was absolutely disgusting!!! How can supposedly educated humans really think that it’s a joke!!!

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