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Archived News

Koh Kong Drone Mystery “Not Spying”


Defence Minister General Tea Banh said yesterday that a large drone which crashed in Koh Kong province’s Kiri Sakor district last month belonged to a private company.

Gen Banh told Khmer Times the drone that crashed in Koh Sdach commune was not a spy drone which threatened the Kingdom’s security as some have claimed.

However, he did not provide details about the company which owned it.

“It flew in Cambodia so it is in Cambodia,” Gen Banh said. “They [private company] also have the ability to buy it, because they just wanted to try it out.”

“From what I see, the drone did not damage Cambodian security. It is not a big issue and they only flew it for fun,” he added.

Major General Prak Sokha, a spokesman for the Royal Cambodian Air Force, said yesterday  the Ministry of Defence had contacted Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics and the maker Harbin Aircraft Industry  for confirmation over the sale of the ‘BZK-005’ drone.

“We [Ministry of Defence] contacted the company but the company told it has yet to sell the drone in any foreign country,” he said.

“I cannot confirm which company owned the drone but I am sure it belongs to a private company,” Maj Gen Sokha said. “We [Royal Cambodian Air Force] have already asked the companies located in Koh Kong province but all have denied owning it.”

He added the air force knows the drone belonged to a company which is now refusing to admit owning it.

Early last month, Gen Banh slammed an Australian Broadcasting Corporation news report linking the drone to the Chinese military and called it fake news.

Chheang Vannarith, president of Asia Vision Institute, said yesterday there is still doubt about the drone and the government should provide a clear explanation.

“The government has not clearly explained why a drone which is so big was used by a private company,” he said. KT

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