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Archived News

Transgender Arrested For Online Sex Selling And Drugs


Phnom Penh: Police arrested a suspect who posted intimate pictures on Bigo Live, and sold sex for a short time or a day (earlier reports say prices were $30/$50 and $100). The public initially assumed that it was a woman who was selling sex services, but when the Toul Kork police presented the report on February 22, it was announces the suspect was transgender.

A urine test later showed evidence of drug use drugs.

On February 21, 2020, at around 8 am, Toul Kork District Police Inspectorate 3 detained the suspect on charges of breaking Article 38 – Article 39 on Pornography and pornographic material in Sangkat Teuk Laak 3, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.

Morn Ewa, known as Eva, a 26-year-old Cambodian national works at a massage parlor at a rented house Meanchey District, Phnom Penh. PPR

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