UPDATE: Online Seller Detained After Breaking Contract
UPDATE: Thai Srey Neang has been taken to court on the afternoon of February 20. It is reported that she is answering making/distributing pornography charges under Articles 38-39 pf Anti-Trafficking of Persons Act and Juvenile Protection. The charges carry a sentence of 1 month to 1 year, if found guilty. KBN
Phnom Penh: A business woman known for selling products on Facebook in skimpy outfits signed a contract with Toul Kork police to agree to stop here videos, and then went home, where she resumed her (quote) ‘shameless’ conduct.
39-year-old woman named Thai Srey Neang, from Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district has come under criticism for here sales pitch on social media.
On February 19, she was summoned for questioning and later contracted and made a confession video to stop her Facebook sales.
Toul Kork district police chief Sok Heng said that a few hours after returning home, she posted more ‘sexy images’ for the second time.
Tuol Kork authority then brought her and her sister back for more questioning.
A Phnom Penh police spokesman said she was ‘involved in an indecent display of shame’. The prosecutor confirmed that the arrest was at the behest of Phnom Penh Municipal Court prosecutor Keo Thea.
At the Review Meeting of the National Council for Women on February 17, 2020, Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister, ordered members of The Ministry of Interior working on technology crimes to check and take action against videos of some Cambodian women who filmed themselves in provocative positions or clothing. These websites are said to affect the morals of Cambodian women, although there is currently no law in place to prevent it.
Those who sell certain products online and promote their products on social media in a way that ‘affects the moral values and dignity of women’ have also been warned to stop. AREY