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Bird Flu Warning After Vietnam Outbreak


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has issued a directive on the prevention of bird flu as AH5N1 avian influenza is re-emerging in Vietnam. According to Vietnamese sources, on February 17, 2020, in the southern province of Tra Vinh, there was an outbreak of AH5N1 bird flu that killed more than 55,000 chickens.

In order to prevent the spread of avian influenza, the movement of poultry and imported products from Vietnam and other parts of the country would have to be curtailed, according to a Directive of the Ministry of Agriculture dated February 18, 2020.

The country requires the General Department of Animal Health and Animal Products, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Office of Production and Security, especially border provinces of Vietnam, to be responsible to prevent the spread of bird flu and is implementing the following 9 points:

1. To prevent the importation of illegal poultry and poultry products through border checkpoints at international airports, ports and crossings.

2. The Directorate of Animal Health and Animal Production shall further enhance the control of animal and animal products in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries as well as the Office of Animal Health authority.

3. Strengthen the implementation of safe biosecurity measures at all poultry farms, poultry businesses and bird slaughterhouses, and increase monitoring of bird health throughout the country and take timely action in suspected cases of bird flu.

4. All poultry and poultry products must be licensed, sanitary and animal products be in accordance with technical standards, and subject to proper veterinary health inspection by veterinary officials .

5. Before issuing certificates of animal and animal hygiene, especially for poultry and poultry products, proper animal health and animal hygiene checks must be done to make it easy to monitor and manage disease.

6. Biosecurity measures must be followed by cleaning and disinfecting the poultry area, especially before and after the bird transport.

7. Education and promotion to poultry farmers, poultry owners, poultry killers, poultry traders and poultry product sellers. Birds must be cleaned and carry out biosecurity measures.

8. To work with the Vietnamese side to exchange information on bird flu, bird traffic and poultry products to effectively control bird flu.

9. In case of bird flu, please contact the Hotline at 012 214 970.


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