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Archived News

Over 1000 Workers Protest Against Thai Boss


Banteay Meanchey: On February 7, 2020, factory workers protested at Sisophon’s Hong Seng Sport Co., Ltd, which manufactures sportswear in Sangkat Teuk Thla, Serey Sophorn City, Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia.

The non-violent protest was organized against the Thai boss named Thalak, the general manager and the administration’s treasurer. The workers alleged that the management has violated their rights to freedom of expression and human rights by controlling their eating, going to the bathroom and drinking water.

Leung Chamroeun, a 31-year-old woman living said that the Thai man, the General Manager and and accounting staff had violated workers’ rights so much that they could not stand it, and the protests erupted.

Workers say they thank employers and shareholders for investing in factories and giving them jobs very close to housing and offers them benefits and convenient conditions. But they protested to demand that the factory owners remove the section managers.

The governor of the town and the head of Ministry of Labor came to facilitate and resolve workers’ concerns with factory owners. AREY

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