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Archived News

Cambodia Earns $11.6 m From Carbon Credit Sales


Mr. Say Samal, Minister of Environment, said Cambodia has earned approximately $11.6 million from carbon credit sales in its protected forest areas in the provinces of Koh Kong and Mondulkiri (*timeframe not mentioned). His comments were made during a meeting with natural resource conservation officials of the south Cardamon Mountains (Kravanh Mountains) National Park in Koh Kong province.

Mr. Samal stressed that the sale of carbon credit in those protected forest areas at the south Cardamom Mountain National Park, Tatai and Keo Seyma Wildlife Sanctuaries have been made under a voluntary framework.

The collected funds, the minister added, contribute to supporting Cambodia’s natural resource preservation and protection, as well as to improve the living conditions of local communities.

Mr. Samal also said that The Royal Government of Cambodia is working hard in preserving and developing protected forest areas in order to balance ecological system, enhance good environment and reduce climate change. KT/Photo Mother Nature

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