“The Death of a child is Incomprehensible the brutal death of a newborn baby girl is inconceivable.”
Joint Task Force ALPHA-20 has been established to investigate the brutal murder of a baby girl aged between 2 weeks to 1 month old in Kandal Province.
On the 31st of January at about 5.30 pm, the discarded body of an approximately 2-week old baby girl (Jane F) was located outside a school in Prek Thmak Village, Kandal Province. Kandal Police conducted initial investigations then contacted the CPU.
On the morning of the 4th of February members of the CPU Homicide Investigations Team, Forensic Investigation Team, Kandal Police Command and Ministry of Interior conducted a forensic examination on the baby girl.
Investigations revealed the baby had suffered horrific injuries which would have resulted in her death prior to being located dumped on the side of the road.
Kandal Police Command and CPU are appealing for residents in the surrounding communes and villages who suspect a child to be missing, that may have been born in the last month to contact Kandal Police or the CPU. Any information provided will be treated confidentially.
When baby Jane F. was located she was wrapped in a towel and a pair of men’s shorts (photograph below). Investigators have seized several items from the scene and DNA samples from baby Jane F.
“Any homicide of a child is heartbreaking for investigators but to see the level of violence used against an innocent newborn is impossible to comprehend” James McCabe Director Operations CPU