Preah Sihanouk Province: (Preliminary information) On the night of January 9, 2020, a police patrol spotted a Takoma with suspicious plates in Village 5, Sangkat 4, Sihanoukville.
The driver of the car sped away towards highway 4 and police gave chase. In Prey Nup district police pursued the vehicle, which tried to make a quick turn. The car was travelling at high speed, the driver lost control and the car overturned.
The suspect tried to get out of the car to escape, but was arrested by the cops who seized one pistol. Two other suspects escaped into the forest.
The suspect was named as WANG HONG TAO, 29, a Chinese man living in Village 1, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville. A ZORAKI Black pistol (*which usually fires blanks, they seem to be cropping up recently) 5 rounds and the TACOMA Phnom Penh 2BD-7915 were seized.
The case is under investigation by the Criminal Police Bureau’s special force. KPS