Prey Veng: A man was arrested on January 5, 2020 in connection with attempted murder and unauthorized use of weapons in Prey Khla 2 Village, Prey Varkar Commune, Svay Antor District, Prey Veng Province.
The suspect, identified as 44-year-old Vann Ouk, is currently living in Beng village, Da commune, Memot district, Tbong Khmum province. He came to Prey Chak 2 village, Prey Varkar commune, Svay Antor district, Prey Veng province with a firearm.
He was allegedly planning to shoot a 60-year-old man named Khim Srei in vilage, but was seen by neighbors who called the police.
The suspect was taken to the Svay Antor District Police Inspectorate for questioning. AREY