The tenth month is for Germany to dust off the lederhosen, munch on a quality wurst and quaff down strictly pure beer brewed under the Reinheitsgebot of 1516, served by buxom blonde wenches.
Cambodia sits around in underpants, chugging back chemically altered cheap swill from cans waiting for the rains to stop, or goes to dead-end-of-season bars to be served Anchor by a phone obsessed bored chick with a push-up bra.
We picked the finest Jack-o-lanterns out of 251 news pumpkins from which seem like only 8-12 weeks ago.

Reports that runaway prices in SHK were coming down
Nein Oktoberfest for this banged up Neo Nazi
Another gruesome murder case down south. The killer was quickly caught.
Japanese pair given jail time for taxi driver murder

New money (did anyone get any?)
Another major drugs bust
Just a guy with a car full of monkeys

Big U-turn on jobs allowed for foreigners announced.
A Chinese torture house was found

Imprisoned American gun dealer caused a Bitcoin company meltdown from behind bars.
The Siem Reap-Manila connection discovered
That was nice of her.

Not not a bit of difference a year makes.

Iran’s 14-0 drubbing
Convicted smack smuggling French teen Charlene Saverino sent back to France 5 years into her sentence.

More real OG business
By October ‘over 1000’ Chinese had been arrested in 2019.
CNE’s annual office party plans scuppered before they even began.

Stop burying victims in the sand!
War with the Dutch in 17th Century
Poor old Kith Thieng was too sick to go to court
Kampong Thom’s biggest ever drugs bust

The Siem Reap-Manila connection again
Ancient statue found dumped in a Battambang ditch

CNE’s official car of the year

A 10 year family feud ended in a shooting
Khao-I-Dang Holding Center 1979-1993

The body of missing British tourist was found at sea after a long search
Controversial airport to be ready next year
The over stay table looked like this:
Country | People # | Provinces Caught | ||||
China | 63 | RTK | PP | KPS | STT | SVR |
Vietnam | 25 | PP | KPC | |||
India | 15 | SVR | PP | SR | ||
Nepal | 9 | KPS | SR | SVR | ||
Korea | 9 | PP | SR | ODM | ||
UK | 8 | PP | KPT | SR | ||
Russian | 7 | PP | SHK | KEP | (Turkmenistan with RU PP) | |
USA | 5 | PP | ||||
Germany | 5 | PP | SR | |||
Australia | 5 | PP | ||||
Nigeria | 4 | PP | ||||
New Zealand | 4 | PP | Includes a kid | |||
Turkey | 3 | PP | SR | |||
Ukraine- | 3 | Kep | SR | |||
France | 3 | PP | Kep | |||
Philippines | 3 | PP | ||||
Brazil | 2 | PP | ||||
Sweden | 2 | PP | SR | |||
Bangladesh | 2 | PP | ||||
Denmark | 2 | PP | ||||
Pakistan | 1 | PP | ||||
Laos | 1 | PP | ||||
Italy | 1 | KPS | ||||
Uzbekistan | 1 | SHK | ||||
South Africa | 1 | PP | same guy twice | |||
Norway | 1 | KPT | ||||
Croatia | 1 | PP | ||||
Netherlands | 1 | PP | ||||
Finland | 1 | PP | ||||
Iceland | 1 | SR | ||||
Austria | 1 | SR | ||||
Kyrgyzstan | 1 | PP | ||||
Portugal | 1 | PP | ||||
Singapore | 1 | SR | ||||
Ghana | 1 | PP | ||||
Liberia | 1 | PP |