Schools Must Teach danger Of Excessive Sugar
Phnom Penh: Phnom Penh Governor Khuong Sreng urged public and private schools to spread information about ” The Impact of Sweet Drugs and Drugs” through teacher training and daily lessons to students.
The push came on the afternoon of December 24, 2019 at a meeting on curbing the sale of sweet foods and soft drinks in school in Phnom Penh at City Hall.
Khuong Sreng said that diabetes causes serious challenges to the world. Cambodia also faces high levels of the disease due to excessive consumption of sugar and the use of chemicals in the diet. Such use has serious implications for health.
In view of this challenge, the Phnom Penh Municipal Administration through the Department of Health has launched a school-wide outreach program to reduce the amount of sugar in the beverages and make sure that all students are aware of the health effects.
He added that in order for this work to be successful, the Department of Health and the Ministry of Education must work together to disseminate the effects of sweet drinks; in schools, to parents, students, and the general public.
Ngy Mean Heng, director of the Phnom Penh Municipal Health Department, said on average, a soda drink contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, and could be linked to the risk of obesity, diabetes, tooth decay and heart disease. KPT