Kep – According to the Ministry of Tourism’s official Facebook post on December 20, 2019, the Kep Provincial Administration has received a Wastewater Treatment Station and a sub-project to support tourism and to improve the environment around the Crab Market, with finacial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The handover of the wastewater treatment station and equipment (east of the Crab Market) was presided over by HE Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism and HE Kuntha, Governor of Kep Province as well as senior officials of ADB. citizens and many others.
Mr. Sok Sokun, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Tourism and Project Director, said that the wastewater treatment station has a number of other support facilities including: a wastewater treatment tank with a capacity of 70 cubic meters per day (current capacity of 30 cubic meters). In addition, there is a drainage system, a drainage site, a staff station and maintenance building, a repair shop and generator, a warehouse, Tourist Information Center, relaxation place, public toilets, gardens and sidewalks, and a pump house.
Minister Thong Khon urged the provincial and municipal governments and relevant departments to focus on sustainable and clean tourism development.
In order to develop the tourism industry in Kep, it is important to first focus on filtering the wastewater before discharging into the sea, so that the waste water does not flow directly.
He said that only tourism promotes the economy in Kep, and tourists who visit Kep come to visit the beaches and islands, but if the water is dirty, no tourists will visit anymore. This problem was encountered during 2014, when a sewage problem stopped tourists visiting.
The recommendation of HE Minister Thong Khon is urging provincial and municipal governments, provincial departments, tourism departments and provincial departments is to clean up beaches, the crab markets and public places in the province in order to attract tourists.
He also appealed to the people of Crab Market to cooperate in cleaning, sanitation, safety, enhancing the quality of hospitality services, especially, not to drain dirty water, waste, trash etc. Instead, they must jointly maintain the tourism environment in their locality to attract more tourists, enhance their livelihoods and further enhance the prestige of the province.
The Minister of Tourism stressed that the Royal Government identifies and advertises to tourists that “Kep is a high level tourist resort” that tourists can visit in the future and in the future, Kep will see the “tourism development master plan”, but it also requires the participation of the people. SWIFT