Phnom Penh: Following yesterday’s report on the state of the world record breaking ‘longest boat’, a statement was released.
In this case, the Commission would like to inform the public and the media as follows: The Commission informs often that the world’s longest boat will be located in Prey Veng province, and national and international guests are free to visit. The Commission has already prepared a plan for the site, which has not changed.
2. According to this year’s plan, the Commission plans to move the boat from the current temporary location to the site of the newly constructed Provincial Hall, but the construction building is not yet ready. The water levels were also too low to remove the boat from the makeshift shelter.
3. The Commission recognizes that the current state of the temporary shed and roof leakage and that the condition was caused by the floodplain and the weather in Cambodia. Last week, the commission had finalized a budget plan to repair the boatyard, with a slight wait. The company has also been working on the renovation of the facility and it is scheduled to be completed this week. .
The would like to express its sincere thanks for participating in the follow-up on information, feedback and suggestions.