A weather notification from the Ministery of Water Resources and Meteorology on 01 December 2019, informs the public that because a valley high pressure from China, the temperature will continue to fall.
From December 5-9, 2019:
1. The province of Preah Vihear, Oddar Meanchey, Pailin, Stung Treng, Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri, minimum temperatures of 16-18 ° C and a maximum temperature of about 25-27 °
2. Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap, Kampong Thom and Kratie province minimum temperature of 18-20 ° C and a maximum temperature of about 26-28 °
3. Phnom Penh, Kampong Speu Khmom Kampong Cham, Prey Veng and Svay Rieng, minimum temperature of 21-23 ° C and a maximum temperature of about 26-28 °
4. Takeo, Kampot, Kep and Sihanoukville minimum temperatures From 22-24 ° C and a maximum temperature of about 27-29 ° C.
Based on the weather conditions mentioned above, all citizens, especially soldiers stationed along the border around the Dangrek mountains and the highlands of the northeast, please be careful to protect your health during the cold snap.