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Archived News

Sorry! Digger Knocks Out Power In SHK


Phnom Penh: According to an EDC report, on 23 November 2019 at 10.55 am, there were blackouts in Village 03, Sangkat 03, Sihanoukville.

Why? Because Royal Mekong KBH (*no idea who they are) accidentally dug up the underground high voltage (MV) cable.

The technical team is working to repair and reconnect the power supply before 18:30 pm. Electricité du Cambodge urges people to be cautious when working near power lines, as it can cause disruption in the supply of electricity and (*of course) accidents. POST NEWS

2 thoughts on “Sorry! Digger Knocks Out Power In SHK

  1. Sihanoukville, Now a Chinese Cesspool, sold to the Chinese by greedy Khmers who don’t care about their country or countrymen. Did they have a permit to dig or do any research as to what was below ground. NO!!

    1. Sold their souls for a few dollars more.

      I watched how people I had known for years rubbed their once hard working, proud hands with glee whilst dreaming of the coming riches from the Chinese influx and at the same time assuming an attitude of disdain and superiority toward the Barang who had come and settled in the Otres area.
      Many of the local Khmer were given opportunities beyond their dreams to create a business, to school their children to imagine a future most never would dare wasting time dreaming of because at the time Otres was a unique world which somehow attracted the most varied and crazy but caring, fun loving people from the entire world.
      Even the nutters were beautiful… ish.
      After watching the way some of the the Khmer suddenly turned on the Barang and greed was the new god they proudly worshipped I almost feel happy that the Chinese dollars never made it to the pockets of the greedy, big headed foolish, ungrateful lot.
      I just hope they learn a lesson.
      Hopefully the place will get better and everyone will be a bit wiser.

      Yoda has left the round table. and the rats can’t eat crumbs when the Baker has moved to a new promised land.

      Terry Sparrowhawk

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