Svay Rieng: At 2 pm on November 20, 2019, police arrested a suspect after he allegedly used an ax to attack a woman in Prey Rokar Khum Doun village, Svay Chrum district, Svay Rieng province.
The suspect is identified as Chek Rotha, a 46-year-old Cambodian construction worker living in the village.
The victim’s name is Preap Young, a 40-year-old Cambodian woman.
According to villagers, the victim had earlier walked to the suspect’s house, asking for $ 300 which was owed to her. There was a verbal altercation over the money and the suspect walked away. He retrieved the ax, and attacked her, cutting the left side of her neck.
The victim was rescued by family and taken to Svay Rieng Referral Hospital.
The suspect is currently being detained while a legal case is prepared. AMAPAPA