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Filipina Charity Collectors Taken for Questioning


Phnom Penh: Two female Philippine nationals were arrested for soliciting money for charity from the public during water festival.

The pair were detained at 1:20 pm on November 12 2019 near the Sokha Hotel in Village 1, Sangkat Chroy Changva, Khan Chroy Changva.

Jessa Grace Manuawan, 28, and Jane Torzar, 33, were seen walking around the water festival distributing envelopes raising money for children.

Police in Chroy Changvar received an order to question the women, who were taken to Light Infantry Division A8 In the Chroy Changvar Primary School to inspect and question their paperwork.

They said they worked as English teachers at a private school and volunteered in their spare time to raise funds for children’s charities. After the arrest and inspection, the school’s management staff came and arranged their release.


2 thoughts on “Filipina Charity Collectors Taken for Questioning

  1. I dont believe that. If they work for private school which one? why not mentioned? and Did they show you their work permit and visa? Just think for every $1 they get from how many thousand of people they fooled? where this money go? surely not to Khmer orphans or to the temple? think.

    1. Yeah one of them handed me that same pamphlet when i was getting my motorbike fixed once. She complained and said she saw I had money in my wallet. I told her no but she kept demanding and would not give up. Finally she left after minutes of standing and staring at me. No good vermin.

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