Chinese Man Drives Dead Body To Pagoda
Phnom Penh: On November 10, 2019, there was a surprise at Stung Meanchey pagoda after a Chinese man drove the body of another Chinese man and left it there, prompting the authorities to investigate.
Authorities said the victim’s body, named HU GENHAE, 44, lived on St 2004 in Sen Sok district.
The victim first suffered a severe headache, and called his younger brother (*not sure if real brother, or just ‘bong’). The Chinese man took the victim to Russian hospital, where he was pronounced dead by doctors.
Not knowing what to do with the dead body, the man put him back in the car and drove to Stung Meanchey pagoda. The authorities were then called for an autopsy, confirming that the victim had died of diabetes, fatty liver disease and hypertension.
The remains are being stored at Stung Meanchey pagoda to wait for a decision on whether to transport them back to China. AREY NEWS