Kompong Thom: On October 23, 2019, police in Kampong Thom province found and additional 53 kilograms of drugs that had been hidden by the men arrested on October 21 with 40 kilograms.
The search for the drug storage site was conducted on the afternoon of October 23, 2019, with police checking a house in Sar Nokor village, Sankor commune, Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province. The methamphetamine (ice) was found in a metal storage unit on the property,
Three suitcases hidden under a bed of contained packages of drugs labelled as gold tea, equal to 53 kilograms.
The four suspects were arrested in what is now Kompong Thom’s largest drug trafficking case:
SAK SAESONG Male, 32, Thai, Sok Bun Sechy, 42-year-old Cambodian, 3(?)-year-old Litte (Ly Tai?), 53-year-old Cambodian, and Kong Vannak ,40 year old Cambodian. AREY NEWS