Phnom Penh: Chinese woman who had disappeared more than 10 days was found on the afternoon of 18 October, 2019 near Chaktomuk school in Phnom Penh.
The girl’s mother, who had come from China to search, thanked TVFB news team for their efforts, and expressed her gratitude to an unnamed woman who had helped the daughter and bought her food.

Chun Shingling, 32, was working in a casino in Sihanoukville and was seen at the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh.
Sihnaoukville: A woman named Chun Shingling, 32, who was working in a casino in Sihanoukville has gone missing.
According to the victim’s mother, her daughter had tried to contact her to send her money to buy her flight home, but the mother did not know how to do a transfer.
Since then she had been unreachable and her mother is worried.
The victim’s mother confirmed that her daughter had suffered from mental illness, and she fears she has been kidnapped for ransom.