Bavet Kidnappers Caught

Svay Rieng –  After his forces obtained information and video footage of violence against kidnap victims, which had been sent to victim’s relatives in China, Royal Gendarmerie forces arrested two men in Bavet town, Svay Rieng province.

Two Chinese nationals were rescued and two were arrested, while three other suspects escaped.

Provincial Gendarmerie on the night of October 14, 2019, in cooperation with Bavet City Police went to Maha Chay Chey Guesthouse in Bavet Kandal village, Bavet, finding three people in room 23; two victims and one suspect.

At 23:15, 16 October 2019, the Svay Rieng Provincial Gendarmerie waited in front of the JP Hotel in the village of Bavet Kandal, and arrested another suspect.

Suspects Feng Chhech (alias Meng Khour), 45 and Thung Ja Seang, 28 are now being questioned. AREY NEWS

UPDATE: More photos HERE

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