Sihanoukville – (Preliminary Information) Military Police in Preah Sihanouk province raided a casino in Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville shortly before midnight on Spetember 7th 2019.
During the operation, police detained seven suspects, confiscated a pistol and several small knives. Four Chinese men who were believed to be victims of kidnap were rescued.
Authorities confirmed that police visited the casino after reports people were being illegally held inside. Two groups of Chinese man had previously been fighting in front of the casino.
After arriving at the scene, police found four Chinese men who had been handcuffed for unknown reasons.
Seven Chinese when were detained at Preah Sihanouk Provincial Police for questioning and to establish legal procedures. The four victims, including their families, were taken by the police for further investigation. (Huy Bunleng)