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UPDATE: Child Killed After Truck Hits House


Koh Kong: A truck has hit a house, killing one child after the building collapsed. The incident occurred in Mondul Seima district, Koh Kong province at 9:30 am on August 25, 2019.

UPDATE: The incident resulted in serious injuries to one male and two deaths (1 female).
The driver was identified as 30-year-old On Sokny, (seriously injured). The first victim was Sorn Sokha, 38, a homemaker and the second, Chan Seng, a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy (both deceased).

Police are now investigating the cause. Arey News

2 thoughts on “UPDATE: Child Killed After Truck Hits House

  1. That is incredibly sad & tragic!!! Are there noe emergency services with paramedics & jaws of life machines to cut the poor driver out of the vehicle???!!!

    1. Cut the driver out? Are you serious? The guy has just killed a 2 year old kid sleeping in their bed. The driver deserves to be cut up into pieces and fed to the pigs.

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