Phnom Penh: On August 22, 2019 at 10:00 am, an Australian, JUSTIN KING, a 51-year-old male, turned up at Phnom Penh Municipal Police Office’s Office of Immigration and Immigration Planning and Investigation.
He asked for help to return to the land down under, because he had no money to pay for a visa. He came to the Kingdom of Cambodia on 29.08,2018 via the Poipet international checkpoint on tourist visa. Currently he has no passport, no visa, no ability to pay for visa renewal/fines and no place to stay.
He said he had been sleeping on the streets. He was detained and sent to the Department of Investigation and Implementation of the Immigration Department for further proceedings.
Source: General Department of Immigration

He is not Justin King, he is John William Fulton born June 13 1968, in Melbourne Australia.
I’ve known this man before in Vietnam, he is a good man, he gave and share food to homeless on the street like him, he has a good personality, but he is also poor and lost one leg, he used an artificial leg, that was how he could understand poor people , painful and suffering people as him, we don’t and we should not judge him but love him. Justin King is a good person. He helped someone people on the street in Vietnam while he only had a little money in his pocket, but now he is in cambodia and had no money. also lost the passport which contained Visa of staying in it. HE never lose his passport in Vietnam but he was lost his passport before cos Vietnamese tried to rob his case, He lost everything money, passport, smartphone and laptop.
as in Cambodia just the same situation, I knew him has been in Cambodia a few time, not only this time, because he loves Cambodia, but for the first few time in the past he had been in Phnom Penh and he was robbed 2 times by Khmer people as what I knew, 1st time 3 khmer guys attacked him on the street in the midnight on the way get back his hotel, the second time he had a little money to rent a bike to ride around the Phnom Penh city and put his Laptop on his bike, there were 2 khmer guys on one motorbike rode following him , the guy behind the bike used a hammer attacked his left or “right” hand to stop him riding his bike and quickly grabbed and took his laptop away.
so this time he had no Passport & Visa because of being robbed and stolen by asians. This is an unlucky Aussie man, everytime he traveled to Asia as Vietnam, Cambodia or Thailand he was always robbed by asian people with heavy situations, but he never came to police station to explain because he always know that asian police can not help him to get back what he lost. He was robbed, all of his money, passports and everything gone, so how can he come to renew a passport and having a new stamp of visa? where are these poor tourist can get the money to pay for that? also Justin King is handicapped and hard for him to move alot by walking.
so please if anyone knows him, please help him to stop the detention and safely back to his country, Justin King is a very kind person, but poor.
so bulls**t, This man was crazy and dangerous.
Typical bighearted Aussie.A poor man helping fellow poor people
To Frankie
I don’t know how long you have known him. But this man stayed at my hotel and the scene was so disgusting. He adopted 4 cats. Smoking in the room And refused to leave the room for me to clean Not allowed to clean up for a full month and at night like shouting, singing or shouting at night barking dogs. While there are guests staying in other rooms.
One day, he walked out of the room and started to curse with a profanity. I heard f**k … he spoke without blinking an eye. And when my mother asked what was going on, he said so. Until I called the police He pretended to ask who my mother and I were. And who accepts this man to stay? fuvking b*llshit.
One day, he walked out of the room and began to curse with a profanity. I heard that f**k … he spoke without blinking an eye. And when my mother asked what was going on, he said so. Until I called the police He pretended to ask who my mother and I were. And who accepts this man to stay?
And the last day of check-out He refuses to hear from the room. And stole the blanket Hotel towels go The curtains were scratched by cats and they couldn’t be used. So I called the police to come to Kayley. He has now been arrested.