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Tattooist Arrested For Drugs And Domestic


Phnom Penh: Police in Depot Market 1 detained a suspect for drug use after he and his girlfriend had a violent fight on August 15, 2019, at approximately 6:30 pm.

Police say the suspect, Ros Sambath, is a 21-year-old Cambodian national runs a tattoo parlor at a rented house on St. 255, Group 22, Village 8, Boeng Salang Commune, Toul Kork.

The victim, Proung/Prum Srey Da, a 21-year-old female, who also stays at the same address, suffered scratches to her face and neck.

Police said that since 2018, the couple had been together, but unmarried, renting the shop at # 5, Street 255, Group 22, Village 8, Boeng Salang Commune, Toul Kork.

On August 15, the man took his girlfriend’s phone to check her Facebook account, which began the violence.

Shortly after, the victim reported to the police station of Boeng Salang, who intervened to arrest the suspect and sent him to Toul Kork Inspectorate to take legal action.    

After detaining the suspect, Ros Sambath tested positive for drugs in his urine and will now face further legal action. SOURCE

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